Thursday, 18 February 2010


Welcome to Opening Trapdoors, a blog of my daily life - or maybe not. I shan't blog daily, so don't expect it, only when exciting things happen, but this morning a very exciting thing happened to me. I put some brief details on my Facebook page, but unfortunately they won't let you write a lot of stuff, so I have decided it's time to have my own individual blogspot.
What happened was, I was sitting at the computer with my belly full of porridge, when an angel appeared and took me into another dimension. I spent half a lifetime there, in the course of which I became Queen of the Vampires, this was a bit hard at first , but the angel transformed the blood into tomato juice, which I'm quite partial to. I lived in a castle by the sea with various members of my family who were also vampires, the castle had no doors, because of mobs, but plentiful windows that were handy to fly out of. There was a lovely conservatory full of bloodwort.
Then the angel came back and told me the postman was at the door in my other life, with a parcel, so I reappeared in time to receive some seed potatoes. Will I ever get back to Sanguinaria?


  1. A brave start, Leslie. I'll look forward to irregular visits. Just listened to Mark Lawson's series about American Writers on Radio 4. It finished with Edward Albee (I think) saying that writers should not follow trends. They should write what is in their heads. Perhaps there are angels, after all.

  2. Sanguinaria, huh? Sounds rather Ruritanian. My God! Ruritania with vampires! The Prisoner of Zenda with vampires! Could Rupert of Hentzau be any sexier?

  3. Welcome to the world of Blogspot and may your sojourn be long, pleasing and fruitful. I loved the daydreaming.

  4. Leslie, you are bonkers! Jo x

  5. I shall be posting more news of Sanguinaria shortly, and as for Ruritania, well, there is a story - but that will have to wait. Suffice it to say that an intensely fit vampire who closely resembles Colin Firth (but red-headed) exchanges a red rose with me once a year, labelled with: Vlad, Leslie, always..

  6. Great stuff Leslie, I'll be watching this with interest!

  7. The Muse says it'll sell! (I do hope you've sent "How I Became Queen of the Vampires for One Night Only" by L. Sanguinaria to every publisher in London...)

    With best wishes from the unicorn.
